Curricula & Extra curricula sessions
Physical literacy - is the basis of all of our sessions. Our teaching promotes real techniques ensuring every child moves in the most efficient and comfortable way making them as agile and co-ordinated as possible. This helps prevent injury and improves posture which in turn has been proven to increase concentration levels and focus.
Urban Movement Primary also has a focus on the positive impact between physical activity and improved mental health. By creating positive attitudes, activities in the right environment for PE, we are supporting and helping improve the health and well-being of your pupils not only now but into the future.

Our gymnastics sessions are fun, specialised and taught by our professionally trained staff. The sessions develop balance, agility, spatial awareness and competency of movement which in turn develops confidence, resilience & determination all having a positive impact on key skills which the children use daily. Our gymnastics lessons give the children the physical confidence to develop and succeed at whatever level they are at. All of which in tern helps the children enjoy PE and other sports activities and helps them to develop the habit of living an active life.

Balance Bikes​
These sessions are a unique fun way to get children active and a great way of teaching children how to ride a bicycle and enhance lifelong skills. Balance bikes don't have pedals so the children can concentrate on the most important core skills of balance and gross motor control needed to perfect riding without having to grasp propulsion, making learning to ride much easier. Urban Movement Primary supply the appropriate bikes, helmets, equipment and the instructors to provide these exciting sessions in schools, nurseries and community settings. Our dedicated sessions are a fantastic way to get children active and help keep them fit, offering no fear, great fun and bags of confidence. The balance bike sessions have helped many children develop enough confidence to ride a bike for the first time giving a fantastic sense of achievement for all involved.
Physical Literacy
Physical literacy is about developing the fundamental movement skills that all children need, such as running, hopping, throwing, catching and jumping. These movement skills in turn give children the confidence to participate in different physical activities, sports, and games. In physical activity, we often assume that children just naturally have the skills that they need in order to be physically active, and we know from the research that that’s simply not true. We need to support children’s development giving them the tools that they need in order to move effectively and with confidence.These are fun and simple sessions for children to develop the skills they need. The legacy of these sessions is long lasting as there is clear evidence through data collected that these sessions are making a big difference, not only to children’s physical ability but also their well-being, learning and behaviour in school. Sessions vary greatly from school to school depending on your requirements and we can work with you to get it “right” for your school.

Leadership skills
Our leadership scheme develops skills and confidence in year 5 & 6 pupils. training pupils in a relaxed environment in how to lead sports activities - which is not only a very useful life skill, it also empowers our young pupils to take responsibility and care for their younger friends. It helps build confidence in children and compliments and strengthens the school programme at lunch times and break times. The young leaders will not only have the confidence and ability to lead others, but also have the knowledge and experience of an extensive range of games and activities to be able to lead fun games and inspire other children to be active within the school.

Extra Curricular activities & clubs
These activities and clubs can help children build their skills outside of the classroom and are perfect for having fun and being active in a safe stimulating environment. We can offer lunchtime, and after school sessions in a variety of exciting games and activities' ranging from balance bikes, football, gymnastics, dodgeball, Sri golf, multi sports, multi skills, active fun and much much more. The sessions will release energy after time in the classroom, making learning fun, encouraging friendships, and keep children active. We are happy to taylor packages to suit your requirements.

Workshops & CPD
​We are passionate and motivated to inspire children to be active, healthy and happy and we want your staff to feel the same. We can assist you to achieve this by building confidence and knowledge through delivering support for your staff in a variety of ways. For example one to one support, twilight sessions, mentoring or CPD sessions, to ensure your staff are confident and consistent.

Holiday clubs & festivals
Urban Movement Primary offer a fun packed multi activity programme in the school holidays at local schools delivering fun and exciting activities to keep children busy and active all day. We will keep you updated about holiday activities in your area but please contact us if you wish us to run a holiday camp in your school.
We also organise fun local tournaments and festivals working to promote intra Academy competition or community competition. They have ranged from dance festivals, football tournaments and KS1 multi skills festivals. offering a great atmosphere, fun and mass participation.​

​Our football sessions are led by experienced sports instructors who have also worked local football clubs and groups. The sessions are of mixed ability, single and mixed gender groups and have enthusiastically engaged many aspiring footballers - not only improving their football skills but also giving them a professionally mentored football session during which they can expel a lot of energy whilst learning some new skills and techniques. Girls football is an especially popular session which we have vast experience in.