Welcome to our new look website. We thought you may be interested to read about why we have changed our name from Active Melton & Rutland to Urban Movement Primary.
We had always thought that being called Active Melton & Rutland made it clear who we were as a local business providing sports training and mentoring in local schools, but at the recent Rutland & Stamford Mercury Business Awards we were mixed up with Active Rutland.
The awards night was a great evening and we went on to receive a Highly Commended in the best social enterprise category, which we were very proud to receive. However, by the end of the night we knew it was time for a change of name and some development of who we are as a business.

Working with a local branding designer has made us think deeply about what our business stands for and how we want to develop and work within the Rutland and Melton schools community.
In this brand laden times it seemed to us that we had to improve our appearance to keep up with our competitors as for many years we have been too busy delivering pe sessions to schools to worry about logos and websites.
We knew that we had to come up with a name which reflected how we want to ensure children are physically confident within their environments - whatever their situation and some bold, confident graphics to express what our sessions deliver.
Re branding has made us analyse what it means to be a social enterprise, it has made us realise the importance of how we trade. Being a social enterprise means that at least half of all of our profits have to be put back into our business - which means we have to re-invest profits for the good of sport, not the benefit of shareholders.

We bring our sport and movement training into your pe sessions to build confidence and to enable your pupils to develop and grow as healthy, fit, resilient, active children. We work alongside your staff to deliver our sessions and also mentor and empower them to teach your pupils. Our sessions take in a multitude of different sports and movement training sessions ranging from fundamental movement, intervention to balance bikes, football to gymnastics all of which will enhance your physical literacy offering.
We work with children from EYFS to KS2 and deliver lessons which meet with DeptofEd and Ofsted standards. The criteria of the government Sports Premium funding is met by all of our services.

We hope you enjoy our new branding as much as we have enjoyed creating it. The colours are deliberately vibrant as are our sessions, the photographs were taken at some of our local schools and we would like to say thank you to all the pupils and schools who gave us permission to come and photograph them in action. In particular Langham CE Primary School, Cottesmore & St Mary's CE Melton.

If our services are of interest to you please call Ineke Ward on 07515 934893 or email at ineke@urbanmovementprimary.co.uk to discuss potential lesson plans.
Why not engage with us on social media? We are on facebook and twitter and are happy to post local sporting information and events and are always interested in community collaboration.
#meltonPEservices #rutlandPEservices #socialenterprise #sportsinschools #extrasportinschools #resiliantpupils #activepupils #sportsmentoring #positivesport #deliveringsportingedge #PEandsportpremium #realPE #interventionsessions #rutlandlearningtrust #mercbizawards